Københavns Museum - Museum of Copenhagen
Museum of Copenhagen is located in a beautiful historic building in Stormgade in the center of Copenhagen. There are two entrances to the museum. The large main entrance is with 4 steps outside and stairs (12 steps) just after the entrance. To avoid the many steps, there is an entrance to the right of the main entrance to the basement. There is access via 4 steps or a lifting platform. You arrive at the cloakroom and toilet facilities and at an elevator that runs to all floors of the house. Museum of Copenhagen has exhibitions on three floors. The exhibitions are designed with a combination of options that you can listen to, touch and read about. Note that the lighting in parts of the exhibition is dimmed and that the exhibited objects are illuminated. In several places, it means glare, shadows and dark surfaces that can challenge orientation and readability. On the whole, objects are well placed so that one can get close and see the exhibit items from several heights. However, there are a few showcases where it can be difficult to see from a wheelchair height. Overall, this is an incredibly beautiful exhibition in a very beautiful historic building and the access to the exhibition is generally good. Read more in the details below.
All information about Københavns Museum

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