Københavns Museum - Museum of Copenhagen
All information about Københavns Museum - Museum of Copenhagen
Information for
Visual impairment
Accessibility information
Way to the entrance
Generally passage width150 cm
Clear width in outdoor areas leading to main entrance 150 cm
Clear area, width 150 cm
Free area, height 220 cm
Stairs are availableYes
Number of steps4
The width of the stairs150 cm
Marking of stepsNo marking of steps
Step depth39 cm
Steps are even and firmYes
Type of pavement on the stairssteel / steel plate
Placement of handrails by the stairsOne side
Handrails, height93 cm
Extended handrails by the stairs0 cm
Field of attention by the stairsNo
Entrance to the building
Marking of doorstepsYes
Type of door at the entranceOne door
Door at the entranceThe door opens inwards
Operation of the doorAutomatic door with censor
Buttons with tactile-sense orientation Yes
Are easy-touch buttons used? No
Orientation signals (sound and light) in lift Sound/light signal
Are floor levels announced by synthetic speech in lift? Yes
Reception / Information
Clear width in area leading to counter, etc 150 cm
Counter illumination Yes
Interior design of the building
Corridors free of furniture Yes
Stairs in the buildingYes
Number of steps16
The width of the stairs150 cm
Step height17 cm
Step depth32 cm
Marking on steps All steps
Marked surfaces Tread
Height of stair guards90 cm
Handrails, position One side
Extended handrails by the stairs30 cm
Lighting or marking of the stairsYes
Distance between sources of lighting 5 m
Toilet facilities
Door to the toiletOpens inward
Non-glare illuminated mirror within easy reach Yes
Guidedogs and Companion Service
Access for guide dogsYes
Personal service Yes
Free access for accompanying persons Yes
Simple and logically structured signs Yes, it is possible
Information and indoor climate
Alternative to guided tours, e.g. audioguides
Other information
Last update: 12-05-2023 (Version 2)
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