How to obtain the label
To be granted with the Access Denmark label a consultant from Access Denmark pays the potential company or building a visit. The consultant prepares all the material needed. At the first visit information about the access conditions to the building (s) and the facilities that guests, customers, visitors have access to is collected.
The data will be used for two purposes:
- A fact sheet is prepared in text and images that presents the access conditions so that guests / customers can get an impression of the conditions prior to a visit. The fact sheet is presented on and often it is also posted on the company’s/buildings own website.
- Access Denmark prepares a report with suggestions on how and where conditions of importance to people with disabilities can be improved in the building. On this basis, the company can choose whether to prioritize some of the suggestions and improve the accessibility level for one or more of the 7 user groups that are part of the label scheme.
The membership is voluntary and it is a business decision whether to invest in accessibility improvements or how much the company wants to use the brand in their marketing activities.

Call us or write to us if you need more information about our services. - phone +45 51 34 35 96