Purpose of the label system
The Danish accessibility label is a national label in Denmark. It is operated by a private organization - God Adgang - Access Denmark - and is based on a set of criteria developed by the Danish Standardization Institute in cooperation with the Danish Organisations of People with Disability and representatives from the companies/buildings involved. (f.ex. the Ministry of Culture was involved in defining the criteria to museums a.o.) The set of criteria is based on the legislation as well as accessibility recommendations. The label system is developed to fit best practice in both existing and new buildings.
The criteria cover demands from seven types of users. Wheelchairusers, hand-, arm- and walking impaired, visual impaired, hearing impaired, asthma and allergy, cognitive/mental needs and people with reading difficulties.
The label is based on an expert audit made by an auditor from Access Denmark. A very thorough registration is made covering criteria from all seven types of users. The data is used for two purposes:
- To provide information to our end users where fact sheets are generated with photos and detailed information on the accessibility.
- A feedback report to the company/building stating the present accessibility conditions, where the gabs are as well as suggestions for improvement.

Call us or write to us if you need more information about our services.
info@godadgang.dk - phone +45 51 34 35 96