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Hudklinikken Frederikssund

Hudklinikken Frederikssund
Hudklinikken Frederikssund
Hudklinikken Frederikssund
Hudklinikken Frederikssund
Hudklinikken Frederikssund
Hudklinikken Frederikssund
Hudklinikken Frederikssund
Hudklinikken Frederikssund
Hudklinikken Frederikssund
Hudklinikken Frederikssund
Hudklinikken Frederikssund
Hudklinikken Frederikssund
Hudklinikken Frederikssund
Hudklinikken Frederikssund
Hudklinikken Frederikssund
Hudklinikken Frederikssund
Hudklinikken Frederikssund
Hudklinikken Frederikssund
Hudklinikken Frederikssund
Hudklinikken Frederikssund
Hudklinikken Frederikssund
Hudklinikken Frederikssund
Hudklinikken Frederikssund
Hudklinikken Frederikssund
Hudklinikken Frederikssund
Hudklinikken Frederikssund
Hudklinikken Frederikssund
Hudklinikken Frederikssund

All information about Hudklinikken Frederikssund

Information for
Check Mental disabilities
Accessibility information

Parking facilities

Total number of parking spaces 50 

Surfacing on disabled parking spaces The surfacing is even, firm and intact

Type of surfacing Asphalt

Entrance to the building

Orientation signals (sound and light) in lift  Light signal

Are floor levels announced by synthetic speech in lift?  No

Number of steps20 

Handrails, height90 cm

Lift and stairs

The entrance is signpostedYes

Reception and waiting area

Clear width in area leading to counter, etc 150 cm

Interior design of the clinic

Distance between sources of lighting 3 m

Toilet facilities

Accessible toiletfacilitiesYes

Clear space on one side of lavatory bowl.  40 cm Red

Position of clear space next to the lavatory bowlOn the right-hand side of the lavtory bowl

Locked doors can be opened from the outside in case of emergency  Yes


Other information

Last update: 15-09-2023 (Version 2)

Ulla Kramer

Call us or write to us if you need more information about our services.

info@godadgang.dk - phone +45 51 34 35 96