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Union - 2. Cafe 'Send flere krydderier'

Union - 2. Cafe 'Send flere krydderier'
Union - 2. Cafe 'Send flere krydderier'
Union - 2. Cafe 'Send flere krydderier'
Union - 2. Cafe 'Send flere krydderier'
Union - 2. Cafe 'Send flere krydderier'
Union - 2. Cafe 'Send flere krydderier'
Union - 2. Cafe 'Send flere krydderier'
Union - 2. Cafe 'Send flere krydderier'
Union - 2. Cafe 'Send flere krydderier'
Union - 2. Cafe 'Send flere krydderier'
Union - 2. Cafe 'Send flere krydderier'
Union - 2. Cafe 'Send flere krydderier'
Union - 2. Cafe 'Send flere krydderier'
Union - 2. Cafe 'Send flere krydderier'
Union - 2. Cafe 'Send flere krydderier'
Union - 2. Cafe 'Send flere krydderier'
Union - 2. Cafe 'Send flere krydderier'
Union - 2. Cafe 'Send flere krydderier'
Union - 2. Cafe 'Send flere krydderier'
Union - 2. Cafe 'Send flere krydderier'
Union - 2. Cafe 'Send flere krydderier'
Union - 2. Cafe 'Send flere krydderier'
Union - 2. Cafe 'Send flere krydderier'
Union - 2. Cafe 'Send flere krydderier'
Union - 2. Cafe 'Send flere krydderier'
Union - 2. Cafe 'Send flere krydderier'
Union - 2. Cafe 'Send flere krydderier'
Union - 2. Cafe 'Send flere krydderier'
Union - 2. Cafe 'Send flere krydderier'
Union - 2. Cafe 'Send flere krydderier'
Union - 2. Cafe 'Send flere krydderier'

All information about Union - 2. Cafe 'Send flere krydderier'

Information for
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Accessibility information

Parking facilities

Number of disabled parking spaces  

disabled parking signedYes

Surface marking of disabled parking spaces  Yes

Surfacing on disabled parking spaces The surfacing is even, firm and intact

Type of pavementasphalt

Disabled parking space, width  1.9 m Yellow

Way to the entrance

Distance from disabled parking space to main entrance  50 m

Distance from stopping zone to main entrance  15 m

Surfacing on outdoor walkways to the entrance is firm and intactYes

Type of surfacing in outdoor areas leading to main entrance  asphalt or tile

Clear width in outdoor areas leading to main entrance  150 cm

Clear area, width 150 cm

Free area, height 250 cm

Levelfree access up to entrance  Yes

Type of levelling up to entrance  Levelled out on ground

Gradient of levelling  3 %

Entrance to the building

Level access to lifts Yes

Indicate depth of clear manoeuvring area measured at right angles to the door 200 cm

Lift door must be automatic Yes

Clear opening width of lift door  88 cm

Width of lift car  105 cm

Depth of lift car  140 cm

Floor buttons, lowest  95 cm

Floor buttons, highest 95 cm

Buttons with tactile-sense orientation  Yes

Are easy-touch buttons used? No

Number of support handles in lift  

Clear width at main entrance150 cm

Levelfree access through entranceYes

Position of handrails Both sides

Rise of steps 17 cm

Height of threshold1 cm

Marking of doorstepsYes

Entrance landings Yes

Size of the landing infront of the entrance165 cm

Clear width through entrance doors  88 cm

Height of push button 100 cm

Lighting at entrance doors, reception, lobby, etc  Yes

Marking of entrances by signs or changed surfacing in circulation areas  With sign and changed surfacing

Glass panel with horizontal marking  Reasonable marking in several places

Interior design of the restaurant/cafe

Clear width, corridors  130 cm

Gradients exceeding 1:20  (5%)No

Level-free circulation in building and level-free access to communal facilities  Yes

Distance between sources of lighting 3 m


Height of counter 88 cm

Height of food counter 88 cm

Shortest length of clear area in front of counter 200 cm

Counter illumination No

Induction loop at counter No

Debit card machine, height  90 cm

Chairs with armrests available.  No Red

Chairs with backrests available  No Red

Clearance under tables 72 cm

Clear depth under table70 cm


Entrance landings in front of the toiletYes

Lavatory door, width  77 cm

Lavatory threshold, height  1.5 cm

Lavatory doors can be opened/closed using a tractive or compressive force of  2.5 kg

Clear manoeuvring area in lavatories  Yes

Width of turning area in lavatory  150 cm

Length of turning area in lavatory  150 cm

Clear space on one side of lavatory bowl.  85 cm Red

Position of clear space next to the lavatory bowlOn the left-hand side of the lavatory bowl

Distance from lavatory bowl to back wall  72 cm

Lavatory bowl, height  43 cm Red

Operation of toilet flushing handleFlushing can be operated with more than 1 finger

Lavatory, position of support rails  Left side Red

Easy-to-operate taps Easy to operate

Possible to use washbasin when sitting on lavatory bowl.  No Red

Height of wash basin88 cm

Clear space under wash basinYes

Height of soap dispenser95 cm

Distance to soap30 cm

Easy-to-operate inside lock Difficult to operate

Locked doors can be opened from the outside in case of emergency  Yes

Mirror, lower edge  53 cm

Height of paper towel holder 130 cm

Ventilation system in lavatories  Yes

Wipeable surfaces  Yes

Non-glare illuminated mirror within easy reach   Yes

Interior pull handleNo


Access for guide dogsYes

Access for service dogs Yes

Communal areas are pet-free areas  Yes

Signage indicates that pets are not allowedNo

Allergy-friendly cleaning  mainly allergiapproved detergents

The place is cleanedevery day

Wall-to-wall carpeting used  No

Orientation signage for essential facilitiesGood signage in many places


Other information

Last update: 31-01-2024 (Version 1)

Ulla Kramer

Call us or write to us if you need more information about our services.

info@godadgang.dk - phone +45 51 34 35 96