Statens Museum for Kunst - Biograf
All information about Statens Museum for Kunst - Biograf
Information for
Accessibility information
Parking facilities
Distance from disabled parking space to main entrance 25 m
Distance from stopping zone to main entrance 25 m
Access for guide dogsYes
Access for service dogs Yes
Level access to lifts Yes
Indicate depth of clear manoeuvring area measured at right angles to the door 180 cm
Lift door must be automatic Yes
Clear opening width of lift door 98 cm
Width of lift car 160 cm
Depth of lift car 160 cm
Floor buttons, lowest 98 cm
Floor buttons, highest 98 cm
Buttons with tactile-sense orientation Yes
Are easy-touch buttons used? No
Number of support handles in lift 2
Orientation signals (sound and light) in lift Sound signal
Are floor levels announced by synthetic speech in lift? Yes
Does a lamp indicate that the alarm has been activated? No
Stair lift and lifting platform, capacity 300 kg
Lifting platform - platform length 140 cm
Lifting platform - platform width 110 cm
Width of doors in building 120 cm
Clear width, corridors 120 cm
Corridors free of furniture Yes
Gradients exceeding 1:20 (5%)No
Level-free circulation in building and level-free access to communal facilities Yes
Ramp with gradient of 4 %
Lower landing, length 200 cm
Lower landing, width 200 cm
Turn on lower landing necessary No
Upper landing, length 200 cm
Upper landing, width 200 cm
Turn on upper landing necessary No
Distance between sources of lighting 2 m
Marking on steps All steps
Marked surfaces Tread and riser
Handrails, position Both sides
Alternative to stairs (eg ramp, lift, stair lift)Yes
Personal escort Yes
Lavatory door, width 77 cm
Lavatory doors can be opened/closed using a tractive or compressive force of 2 kg
Width of turning area in lavatory 130 cm
Length of turning area in lavatory 200 cm
Clear space on one side of lavatory bowl. 60 cm
Position of clear space next to the lavatory bowlOn the right-hand side of the lavtory bowl
Distance from lavatory bowl to back wall 70 cm
Lavatory bowl, height 48 cm
Operation of toilet flushing handleFlushing can be operated with more than 1 finger
Lavatory, position of support rails Right and left side
Easy-to-operate taps Very easy to operate
Possible to use washbasin when sitting on lavatory bowl. Yes
Height of wash basin80 cm
Clear space under wash basinYes
Height of soap dispenser90 cm
Easy-to-operate inside lock Very easy to operate
Locked doors can be opened from the outside in case of emergency Yes
Mirror, lower edge 85 cm
Ventilation system in lavatories Yes
Wall-to-wall carpeting in lavatories No
Wipeable surfaces Yes
Non-glare illuminated mirror within easy reach Yes
Øvrig bygningsindretning
Number of wheelchair spaces 4
Wheelchair spaces in rows of chairs No
Is there a free view from the wheelchair spaces? Yes
Width of wheelchair space 90 cm
Length of wheelchair space 150 cm
Shortest length of clear area at wheelchair place 130 cm
Wheelchair users can sit next to accompanying person Yes
Fixed chairs with armrests Yes
Fixed chairs have backrests Yes
Seat height of fixed chairs 47 cm
Alternative chairs available Yes
Clear width between rows of chairs 60 cm
Steps are visible in the dark Yes
Generelle forhold
Communal areas are pet-free areas Yes
Information og formidling
Orientation signage for essential facilitiesGood signage everywhere
Clear signage Excellent sinage
Clear text on signs
Sign contrasts
Height of signs 200 cm
Subtitled information films Yes
Personal service Yes
Distance to public transport 75 m
Free access for accompanying persons Yes
Website may be read out loud Yes
Other information
Last update: 11-03-2015 (Version 1)
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