Scandlines - Gedser - Rostock/Kronprins Frederik - Restaurant
All information about Scandlines - Gedser - Rostock/Kronprins Frederik - Restaurant
Information for

Accessibility information
Entrance to the building![]()
Clear width at main entrance130 cm
Levelfree access through entranceYes
Interior design of the restaurant/cafe![]()
Distance between sources of lighting 3 m
Height of counter 90 cm
Height of food counter 90 cm
Shortest length of clear area in front of counter 180 cm
Counter illumination No
Chairs with armrests available. Yes
Chairs with backrests available Yes
Seating height of chairs 45 cm
Clearance under tables 69 cm
Clear depth under table35 cm
Is seated eating possible? Yes
Kørestolspladser skal reserveres iforvejenYes
Width of wheelchair space 150 cm
Length of wheelchair space 150 cm
Shortest length of clear area at wheelchair place 150 cm
Wheelchair users can sit next to accompanying person Yes
Access for guide dogsYes
Access for service dogs Yes
Communal areas are pet-free areas No 

Allergy-friendly cleaning mainly allergiapproved detergents
The place is cleanedevery second day
Wall-to-wall carpeting used No
Personal service Yes
Is it possible to order special diet food? Yes
Orientation signage for essential facilitiesGood signage in many places
Other information
Last update: 31-07-2014 (Version 1)

Call us or write to us if you need more information about our services. - phone +45 51 34 35 96