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Scandic Sydhavnen - Restaurant

Scandic Sydhavnen - Restaurant
Scandic Sydhavnen - Restaurant
Scandic Sydhavnen - Restaurant
Scandic Sydhavnen - Restaurant
Scandic Sydhavnen - Restaurant

Scandic Sydhavnen is probably Copenhagen's most accessible hotel, where the staff also focuses on welcoming all guests. There is a large parking area right at the entrance to the hotel and several parking spaces intended for cars with disabled parking permits. There are hotel rooms on several floors with access via lifts to all floors. There is a large conference department for both small and large meetings. The restaurant is located on the ground floor and is used by both hotel guests and conference participants. There are 11 available rooms all with connecting rooms. 9 of the rooms have elevation beds and 2 of the rooms have beds that can also be raised and lowered in height.

All information about Scandic Sydhavnen

Labels granted
Information ALL
Flueben Wheelchair users
Flueben Reduced mobility, arm and hand impairments
Flueben Visual impairment
Flueben Hearing impairment
Flueben Asthma and/or allergy
Flueben Mental disabilities
Flueben Reading disabilities
Contact information
AdresseSydhavns Plads 15, 2450 København SV

Telefon88 33 36 66



Ulla Kramer

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