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Planetarium - Butik

All information about Planetarium - Butik

Information for
Check Wheelchair users
Accessibility information

Parking facilities

Width of doors in building  150 cm

Height of thresholds in building  0 cm

Clear width, corridors  100 cm

Corridors free of furniture Yes

Gradients exceeding 1:20  (5%)No

Clear width in area leading to counter, etc 150 cm

Clear width between articles and shelving 90 cm

Clear manoeuvring area, shortest length 130 cm

Personal assistance Yes

Way to the entrance

Entrance landings in front of the toiletYes

Personal service  Yes

Distance to public transport 75 m


Other information

Last update: 08-01-2014 (Version 1)

Ulla Kramer

Call us or write to us if you need more information about our services.

info@godadgang.dk - phone +45 51 34 35 96