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Nationalmuseet - Børnenes Museum

Nationalmuseet - Børnenes Museum
Nationalmuseet - Børnenes Museum
Nationalmuseet - Børnenes Museum
Nationalmuseet - Børnenes Museum
Nationalmuseet - Børnenes Museum
Nationalmuseet - Børnenes Museum
Nationalmuseet - Børnenes Museum

All information about Nationalmuseet - Børnenes Museum

Information for
Check Mental disabilities
Accessibility information


Orientation signals (sound and light) in lift  Sound/light signal

Are floor levels announced by synthetic speech in lift?  No

Does a lamp indicate that the alarm has been activated?  No

Indvendige gange og ramper

Distance between sources of lighting 6 m

Indretning af toilet- og baderum

Clear space on one side of lavatory bowl.  83 cm

Position of clear space next to the lavatory bowlOn one side of lavatory bowl

Locked doors can be opened from the outside in case of emergency  Yes

Information, formidling og service

Orientation signage for essential facilitiesRelatively good signage

Clear signage Excellent sinage

Simple and logically structured signs  Very simple and logic


Other information

Last update: 01-04-2019 (Version 1)

Ulla Kramer

Call us or write to us if you need more information about our services.

info@godadgang.dk - phone +45 51 34 35 96