Musikhuset Aarhus - Cafe
All information about Musikhuset Aarhus - Cafe
Information for
Visual impairment
Accessibility information
Way to the entrance
Clear area, width 200 cm
Free area, height 250 cm
Separation of forms of traffic up to main entrance Yes
Entrance to the building
Openings in grating (to protect guide dogs), length at main entrance 0.9 cm
Alternative entrance to revolving door/swing door entrance Yes
Height of push button 90 cm
Push button opposite hinged side Yes
Lighting at entrance doors, reception, lobby, etc Yes
Marking of entrances by signs or changed surfacing in circulation areas With sign
Glass panel with horizontal marking Reasonable marking in several places
Interior design of the restaurant/cafe
Distance between sources of lighting 3 m
Is seated eating possible? Yes
Access for guide dogsYes
Is it possible to order special diet food? Yes
Other information
Last update: 19-01-2022 (Version 1)
Call us or write to us if you need more information about our services. - phone +45 51 34 35 96