LEGO House - Toilet - LEGO Square (groundfloor)
All information about LEGO House - Toilet - LEGO Square (groundfloor)
Information for
Reduced mobility, arm and hand impairments
Accessibility information
Toilet facilities
Operation of toilet flushing handleFlushing can be operated with more than 1 finger
Lavatory, position of support rails Right and left side
Easy-to-operate taps Very easy to operate
Possible to use washbasin when sitting on lavatory bowl. No
Height of wash basin80 cm
Height of soap dispenser120 cm
Easy-to-operate inside lock Very easy to operate
Locked doors can be opened from the outside in case of emergency Yes
Height of paper towel holder 107 cm
Other information
Last update: 22-04-2023 (Version 1)
Call us or write to us if you need more information about our services. - phone +45 51 34 35 96