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Kollekolle - Værelser - standard

Kollekolle -  Værelser - standard
Kollekolle -  Værelser - standard
Kollekolle -  Værelser - standard
Kollekolle -  Værelser - standard
Kollekolle -  Værelser - standard

Indulge yourself by spending a night at KolleKolle. Savour a lovely dinner in our à la carte restaurant, visit the bar and enjoy one of our many cocktails or try your hand at billiards. Wake up in a beautiful parkland setting, take a morning dip in the pool, go for a walk down by the Lake Furesø and enjoy our sumptuous breakfast buffet in the restaurant.There are so many possibilities when you visit KolleKolle.

All information about Kollekolle

Labels granted
Information ALL
Udråbstegn Wheelchair users
Udråbstegn Reduced mobility, arm and hand impairments
Flueben Visual impairment
Flueben Hearing impairment
Udråbstegn Asthma and/or allergy
Udråbstegn Mental disabilities
Flueben Reading disabilities
Contact information
AdresseFrederiksborgvej 105, 3500 Værløse

Telefon+45 44984222



Ulla Kramer

Call us or write to us if you need more information about our services.

info@godadgang.dk - phone +45 51 34 35 96