Kiropraktorerne Frederiksberg
All information about Kiropraktorerne Frederiksberg
Information for

Accessibility information
From parking to entrance![]()
Generally passage width150 cm
Clear width in outdoor areas leading to main entrance 110 cm
Clear area, width 150 cm
Free area, height 220 cm
Stairs are availableYes
Number of steps3
The width of the stairs150 cm
Step depth30 cm
Steps are even and firmYes
Type of pavement on the stairstiles
Placement of handrails by the stairsBoth sides
Handrails, height80 cm
Width of the ramp150 cm
Length of ramp9 m
Højde på hjulværn15 cm
Height of handrail80 cm
Placement of handrailsBoth Sides
Hanrails - diameter5 cm
The ramp is complemented by stairsYes
Entrance to the building![]()
Type of door at the entranceDouble doors
Door at the entranceThe door opens inwards
Operation of the doorMust be opened manually
Lighting at entrance doorsYes
Reception and waiting area![]()
Clear width in area leading to counter, etc 200 cm
Counter illumination Yes
Interior design of the clinic![]()
Corridors free of furniture Yes
Distance between sources of lighting 2 m
Toilet facilities![]()
Accessible restrooms at every levelYes
Door to the toiletOpens outward
Non-glare illuminated mirror within easy reach Yes
Access for guide dogsYes
Other information
Last update: 25-01-2023 (Version 2)

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