Huset-KBH - Kulturhus
All information about Huset-KBH - Kulturhus
Information for
Hearing impairment
Accessibility information
Entrance to the building
Orientation signals (sound and light) in lift Sound signal
Handrails, position One side
Induction loop at counter No
Meeting and conference facilities
Chairs without armrests for notetaker Yes
Permanent induction loop in large assembly halls Yes
Induction loop systems can be booked No
Sockets for notetaker's equipment Yes
Toilet facilities
Locked doors can be opened from the outside in case of emergency Yes
Guidedogs and indoor climate
Orientation signage for essential facilitiesRelatively good signage
Distance to public transport 75 m
Other information
Last update: 07-08-2019 (Version 1)
Call us or write to us if you need more information about our services. - phone +45 51 34 35 96