Helnan Marselis Hotel - Værelse 26
Helnan Marselis hotel has one accessible / disabled room. The information and pictures concern the room no. 26. There are two disabled parking spaces right next to the hotel entrance. There is level access to the hotel but note that there is a ramp in front of the entrance (2 m long). The slope of the ramp is approx. 7 percent and there are no handrails. From the lobby to the rest of the hotel's facilities there is also a ramp with a slope of 5 percent (2 m wide and no handrails). There is access via elevator to room no. 26, which is one floor down. Note that the door opens into the room and there is very little space when you have to open the door towards yourself to get out of the room. The room has a sea view and access to a terrace (step down 10 cm). The beds are with box mattresses with no firm edges. The free space under the beds is 9 cm in height. The beds cannot be adjusted. Loose furniture in the room can be moved if you need more space. Note that the hallway in front of the door to the bathroom has a width of 97 cm. In the room there is an extra toilet seat if you want a higher seat and a mobile grip that can be set up by the shower.
All information about Helnan Marselis Hotel

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