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Hasmark Strandoase

Hasmark Strandoase
Hasmark Strandoase
Hasmark Strandoase
Hasmark Strandoase
Hasmark Strandoase
Hasmark Strandoase
Hasmark Strandoase
Hasmark Strandoase
Hasmark Strandoase
Hasmark Strandoase
Hasmark Strandoase
Hasmark Strandoase
Hasmark Strandoase
Hasmark Strandoase
Hasmark Strandoase
Hasmark Strandoase
Hasmark Strandoase
Hasmark Strandoase
Hasmark Strandoase
Hasmark Strandoase
Hasmark Strandoase
Hasmark Strandoase
Hasmark Strandoase
Hasmark Strandoase
Hasmark Strandoase
Hasmark Strandoase
Hasmark Strandoase
Hasmark Strandoase
Hasmark Strandoase
Hasmark Strandoase
Hasmark Strandoase
Hasmark Strandoase
Hasmark Strandoase
Hasmark Strandoase
Hasmark Strandoase
Hasmark Strandoase
Hasmark Strandoase
Hasmark Strandoase
Hasmark Strandoase
Hasmark Strandoase
Hasmark Strandoase
Hasmark Strandoase
Hasmark Strandoase
Hasmark Strandoase

All information about Hasmark Strandoase

Information for
Check Mental disabilities
Accessibility information

Parking facilities

Type of pavementImpacted gravel

Distance from disabled parking space to main entrance 10 m

Wayfinding and sinage

Orientation signage for essential facilitiesRelatively good signage

Restingplaces along the path

Lavatory in outdoor area  Yes

Clear space on one side of lavatory bowl.  110 cm

Position of clear space next to the lavatory bowlOn both sides of lavatory bowl

Locked doors can be opened from the outside in case of emergency  Yes

Locked toilet No

Payment for use of toilet facilities No


Other information

Last update: 29-04-2021 (Version 1)

Ulla Kramer

Call us or write to us if you need more information about our services.

info@godadgang.dk - phone +45 51 34 35 96