Hasmark Strandoase
All information about Hasmark Strandoase
Information for

Accessibility information
Parking facilities![]()
Number of disabled parking spaces 4
Total number of parking spaces 10
disabled parking signedYes
Surface marking of disabled parking spaces No 

Surfacing on disabled parking spaces The surfacing is even and firm
Type of pavementImpacted gravel
Disabled parking space, width 3.5 m
Number of parking spaces for vans 1
Distance from disabled parking space to main entrance 10 m
Distance from stopping zone to main entrance 10 m
Wayfinding and sinage![]()
Orientation signage for essential facilitiesRelatively good signage
Surfacing of outdoor areas is firm and evenYes
Surfacing of outdoor areas, general Impacted gravel
Clear width in outdoor areas, general 130 cm
Free area, height 220 cm
Levelfree trails or pathsYes
Type of levelling in outdoor areas, general Ramp
Gradient of levelling 4.5 %
Position of handrails in outdoor areas, general No handrail
Are there guiding lines in the form of railing, stone edges, hedges or similar? Yes
The main part of the trail/path is without cross fallYes
Access for guide dogsYes
Access for service dogs Yes
Restingplaces along the path![]()
Access from path or road Yes
Levelfree access to tables and benches Yes
Firm and even surface Yes
Room for wheelchair at the end of the table Yes
Clear height under table 70 cm
Seating height, bench 46 cm
Seating that does not require straddling across table legs, etc Yes
Distance to nearest accessible toilet 20 m
Restingplaces along the path![]()
Lavatory in outdoor area Yes
Entrance landings in front of the toiletYes
Lavatory door, width 80 cm
Lavatory threshold, height 1 cm
Width of turning area in lavatory 200 cm
Length of turning area in lavatory 160 cm
Clear space on one side of lavatory bowl. 110 cm
Position of clear space next to the lavatory bowlOn both sides of lavatory bowl
Distance from lavatory bowl to back wall 70 cm
Lavatory bowl, height 48 cm 

Operation of toilet flushing handleFlushing can be operated with more than 1 finger
Lavatory, position of support rails Right and left side
Easy-to-operate taps Very easy to operate
Possible to use washbasin when sitting on lavatory bowl. No
Height of wash basin80 cm
Clear space under wash basinYes
Height of soap dispenser105 cm
Easy-to-operate inside lock Easy to operate
Locked doors can be opened from the outside in case of emergency Yes
Mirror, lower edge 90 cm
Height of hand drier button105 cm
Ventilation system in lavatories Yes
Wipeable surfaces Yes
Non-glare illuminated mirror within easy reach Yes
Interior pull handleYes
Locked toilet No
Payment for use of toilet facilities No
Other information
Last update: 29-04-2021 (Version 1)

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info@godadgang.dk - phone +45 51 34 35 96