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Danhostel Sønderborg Vollerup - Cafe og selskabslokaler

Danhostel Sønderborg Vollerup - Cafe og selskabslokaler
Danhostel Sønderborg Vollerup - Cafe og selskabslokaler
Danhostel Sønderborg Vollerup - Cafe og selskabslokaler
Danhostel Sønderborg Vollerup - Cafe og selskabslokaler
Danhostel Sønderborg Vollerup - Cafe og selskabslokaler
Danhostel Sønderborg Vollerup - Cafe og selskabslokaler
Danhostel Sønderborg Vollerup - Cafe og selskabslokaler
Danhostel Sønderborg Vollerup - Cafe og selskabslokaler
Danhostel Sønderborg Vollerup - Cafe og selskabslokaler
Danhostel Sønderborg Vollerup - Cafe og selskabslokaler
Danhostel Sønderborg Vollerup - Cafe og selskabslokaler
Danhostel Sønderborg Vollerup - Cafe og selskabslokaler
Danhostel Sønderborg Vollerup - Cafe og selskabslokaler
Danhostel Sønderborg Vollerup - Cafe og selskabslokaler

All information about Danhostel Sønderborg Vollerup - Cafe og selskabslokaler

Information for
Info ALL
Accessibility information

Way to the entrance

Number of disabled parking spaces  

Total number of parking spaces 30 

disabled parking signedYes

Surface marking of disabled parking spaces  Yes

Surfacing on disabled parking spaces The surfacing is even and firm

Type of pavementasphalt

Disabled parking space, width  2.5 m Yellow

Entrance to the building

Distance from disabled parking space to main entrance  30 m

Distance from stopping zone to main entrance  30 m

Surfacing on outdoor walkways to the entrance is firm and intactYes

Type of surfacing in outdoor areas leading to main entrance  tiles

Clear width in outdoor areas leading to main entrance  150 cm

Clear area, width 200 cm

Free area, height 200 cm

Levelfree access up to entrance  Yes

Type of levelling up to entrance  Ramp

Gradient of levelling  7 % Red

Interior design of the restaurant/cafe

Clear width at main entrance130 cm

Levelfree access through entranceYes

Position of handrails No handrail

Entrance landings No Red

Size of the landing infront of the entrance130 cm

Clear width through entrance doors  87 cm

Entrance door, attractive and compressive force  1 kg

Door knobs and handles Very easy to operate

Access for guide dogsYes

Access for service dogs Yes

Indretningen af restaurant og selskabslokale

Clear width, corridors  200 cm

Corridors free of furniture Yes

Gradients exceeding 1:20  (5%)No

Width of doors in building  80 cm

Doors, attractive/compressive force (heaviest non-entrance door) 2 kg

Distance between sources of lighting 3 m

Chairs with armrests available.  No Red

Chairs with backrests available  Yes

Seating height of chairs  50 cm

Clearance under tables 68 cm

Clear depth under table45 cm


accessible toilets at every levelNo

Indeklima og rengøring

Communal areas are pet-free areas  Yes

Signage indicates that pets are not allowedYes

Allergy-friendly cleaning  mainly allergiapproved detergents

The place is cleanedevery day

Wall-to-wall carpeting used  No

Information, formidling og service

Distance to public transport 10 m

Is it possible to order special diet food?  Yes


Other information

Last update: 02-09-2022 (Version 1)

Ulla Kramer

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