Bybadet i Skanderborg
All information about Bybadet i Skanderborg
Information for
Mental disabilities
Accessibility information
Parking facilities
Total number of parking spaces 30
Type of surfacing Asphalt
Distance from disabled parking space to main entrance 100 m
Design of path to the water
Accessibe route is signpostedNo
Marking of stepsAll steps
Markering af trin
Handrails, height80 cm
Extended handrails by the stairs30 cm
Access to the water
Bathing jetty
Bathing jetty has stair leading to the bottom Yes
Lifeguard at the beachNo
Changing facilities and toilets
Clear space on one side of lavatory bowl. 80 cm
Position of clear space next to the lavatory bowlOn the right-hand side of the lavtory bowl
Locked doors can be opened from the outside in case of emergency Yes
Payment for use of toilet facilities No
Other information
Last update: 17-08-2023 (Version 2)
Call us or write to us if you need more information about our services. - phone +45 51 34 35 96