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Billund Lufthavn - Check in

Billund Lufthavn - Check in

All information about Billund Lufthavn - Check in

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Accessibility information


Access for guide dogsYes

Access for service dogs Yes

Toilet facilities

Height of counter 100 cm

Height of writing area on counter 70 cm

Shortest length of clear area in front of counter 200 cm

Counter illumination Yes

Induction loop at deck with personal serviceYes

Induction loop at counter Yes

FM link at counter Yes

Bygningsindretning efter hovedindgang

Clear width, corridors  200 cm

Corridors free of furniture Yes

Gradients exceeding 1:20  (5%)No

Distance between sources of lighting 3 m

Øvrige generelle forhold

Prevention of mould fungus Yes

Are there any plants?  Yes

Orientation signage for essential facilitiesGood signage everywhere

Simple and logically structured signs  Very simple and logic

Personal service  Yes

Distance to public transport 50 m


Other information

Last update: 31-10-2013 (Version 1)

Ulla Kramer

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