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Biblioteket i Herning - 2. Mødefaciliteter

Biblioteket i Herning - 2. Mødefaciliteter
Biblioteket i Herning - 2. Mødefaciliteter
Biblioteket i Herning - 2. Mødefaciliteter
Biblioteket i Herning - 2. Mødefaciliteter
Biblioteket i Herning - 2. Mødefaciliteter
Biblioteket i Herning - 2. Mødefaciliteter

All information about Biblioteket i Herning - 2. Mødefaciliteter

Information for
Red Asthma and/or allergy
Accessibility information

Interior design of the building

Toilet facilities

Ventilation system in lavatories  Yes

Wipeable surfaces  Yes

Guidedogs and indoor climate

Communal areas are pet-free areas  Yes

Signage indicates that pets are not allowedNo Red

Wall-to-wall carpeting used  Yes

Wipeable surfaces Yes

Wipeable lamps and furniture  Yes

Distance to public transport 150 m


Other information

Last update: 24-06-2015 (Version 1)

Ulla Kramer

Call us or write to us if you need more information about our services.

info@godadgang.dk - phone +45 51 34 35 96