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Visitorcenter Øvre Strandkær

Visitorcenter Øvre Strandkær
Visitorcenter Øvre Strandkær
Visitorcenter Øvre Strandkær
Visitorcenter Øvre Strandkær
Visitorcenter Øvre Strandkær
Visitorcenter Øvre Strandkær
Visitorcenter Øvre Strandkær
Visitorcenter Øvre Strandkær
Visitorcenter Øvre Strandkær
Visitorcenter Øvre Strandkær
Visitorcenter Øvre Strandkær
Visitorcenter Øvre Strandkær
Visitorcenter Øvre Strandkær
Visitorcenter Øvre Strandkær
Visitorcenter Øvre Strandkær
Visitorcenter Øvre Strandkær
Visitorcenter Øvre Strandkær
Visitorcenter Øvre Strandkær
Visitorcenter Øvre Strandkær
Visitorcenter Øvre Strandkær
Visitorcenter Øvre Strandkær
Visitorcenter Øvre Strandkær
Visitorcenter Øvre Strandkær
Visitorcenter Øvre Strandkær

Mols Bjerge National Park has two visitor centers - Besøgscenter Karlsladen and Besøgscenter Øvre Strandkær. Below you will find information on Besøgscenter Øvre Strandkær. The visitor centers contain an exhibition on the region's nature and cultural experiences, which is open all year round from 9:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. and is free. Visitor center Øvre Strandkær is placed in a part of the old farm of the same name. The entrance is located at the rear end of the house. Note that the entire arrival area is covered with shingle - both in the parking area and all the way to the entrance. The building itself contains an exhibition and a large picnic room. There is ample space, wide doors and level free access to all amenities. The toilet is also well furnished - however, the door to the toilets is a bit heavy and there are a few details that can be improved. See the photos and details below.

All information about Visitorcenter Øvre Strandkær

Labels granted
Information ALL
Udråbstegn Wheelchair users
Udråbstegn Reduced mobility, arm and hand impairments
Flueben Visual impairment
Flueben Hearing impairment
Flueben Asthma and/or allergy
Flueben Mental disabilities
Flueben Reading disabilities
Contact information
AdresseStrandkærvej 7, 8400 Ebeltoft

Telefon72 17 07 14



Ulla Kramer

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