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Universe - Virtual Reality

Universe - Virtual Reality
Universe - Virtual Reality
Universe - Virtual Reality
Universe - Virtual Reality
Universe - Virtual Reality
Universe - Virtual Reality
Universe - Virtual Reality
Universe - Virtual Reality
Universe - Virtual Reality
Universe - Virtual Reality
Universe - Virtual Reality
Universe - Virtual Reality
Universe - Virtual Reality
Universe - Virtual Reality
Universe - Virtual Reality
Universe - Virtual Reality
Universe - Virtual Reality
Universe - Virtual Reality
Universe - Virtual Reality
Universe - Virtual Reality
Universe - Virtual Reality
Universe - Virtual Reality
Universe - Virtual Reality

All information about Universe - Virtual Reality

Information for
Check Wheelchair users
Accessibility information

Way to the entrance

Surfacing on outdoor walkways to the entrance is firm and intactYes

Type of surfacing in outdoor areas leading to main entrance  tiles

Generally passage width300 cm

Clear width in outdoor areas leading to main entrance  200 cm

Levelfree access up to entrance  Yes

Slope of the ramp3.5 %

Length of ramp2 m

Entrance to the building

Levelfree access through entrance Yes

Height of threshold2 cm

Tresholds levelled out by sloping wedge Yes

Entrance landings Yes

Type of door at the entranceDouble doors

Clear width through entrance doors  82 cm

Door at the entranceThe door opens outwards

Operation of the doorMust be opened manually

Interior design of the building

Gradients exceeding 1:20  (5%)No

Stairs in the buildingYes

Number of steps22 

Alternative to stairs (eg ramp, lift, stair lift)Yes

Level access to lifts Yes

Lift door must be automatic Yes

Clear opening width of lift door  90 cm

Width of lift car  160 cm

Depth of lift car  140 cm

Floor buttons, lowest  117 cm

Floor buttons, highest 128 cm

Toilet facilities

Accessible toiletfacilitiesYes

Guidedogs and Companion Service

Access for service dogs Yes


Other information

Last update: 25-08-2022 (Version 2)

Ulla Kramer

Call us or write to us if you need more information about our services.

info@godadgang.dk - phone +45 51 34 35 96