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Naturkraft - Cafe

Naturkraft - Cafe
Naturkraft - Cafe
Naturkraft - Cafe
Naturkraft - Cafe
Naturkraft - Cafe
Naturkraft - Cafe
Naturkraft - Cafe
Naturkraft - Cafe
Naturkraft - Cafe
Naturkraft - Cafe
Naturkraft - Cafe
Naturkraft - Cafe
Naturkraft - Cafe
Naturkraft - Cafe

All information about Naturkraft - Cafe

Information for
Red Wheelchair users
Accessibility information

Entrance to the building

Clear width at main entrance200 cm

Levelfree access through entranceYes

Entrance landings Yes

Size of levelfree landings in front of entrance(s)200 cm

Clear width through entrance doors  180 cm

Interior design

Level access to lifts Yes

Indicate depth of clear manoeuvring area measured at right angles to the door 200 cm

Lift door must be automatic Yes

Clear opening width of lift door  90 cm

Width of lift car  110 cm

Depth of lift car  210 cm

Floor buttons, lowest  90 cm

Floor buttons, highest 110 cm

Gradients exceeding 1:20  (5%)No

Level-free circulation in building and level-free access to communal facilities  Yes

Interior design of the restaurant/cafe

Height of counter 90 cm

Height of food counter 100 cm Red

Shortest length of clear area in front of counter 150 cm

Debit card machine, height  100 cm

Clearance under tables 70 cm

Clear depth under table50 cm


accessible toilets at every levelYes


Access for service dogs Yes


Other information

Last update: 23-07-2020 (Version 1)

Ulla Kramer

Call us or write to us if you need more information about our services.

info@godadgang.dk - phone +45 51 34 35 96